A word of caution to the boomers.

There is a reason that older millennials (those of us born in the early 1980’s) try to evade the millennial label and instead try to convince ourselves and others the we are part of Gen X. The reason is because none of the older generations have ever had a decent thing to say about us.

If you study Strauss and Howe, you’ll see that yes, the millennial generation started in the early 1980’s. The timeframe, despite the disagreement of most people born in that time, is correct. If you fall between the ages of 24 and 38 or so, then you are a millennial whether you like it or not.

But that’s okay. It’s okay to be a millennial, even if your family members who are older think poorly of the generation.

Boomers and Gen Xers have gotten something very wrong about what defines a generational cohort. It’s not the behavior of that cohort the defines it, rather it is the national and global events the shaped our coming of age that define us. There is a wide range of behaviors and attitudes and ideologies presents in every generation, and these things are more influenced by geography, culture, upbringing, etc. than they are just by age.

The millennial generation is the only generation in history that has it’s individuals shouldering the blame for the worst behaviors of our generation without receiving any credit for the achievements. Case in point; I am 34, a millennial, and I have to accept, by default, that my generation apparently eats Tide Pods (it doesn’t). I don’t get credit for being part of the most educated generation in history (I’m finishing my B.S.), or for fighting America’s wars for the last 20 years (I was in OEF.), or for anything else people in my generation have done correctly. But rest assured our grandparents got to pretend like they, through the achievements of their generation, personally had something to do with the moon landing.

Speaking on education, this is part of why we feel we were sold a false bill of goods. We were all told that we needed to get a 4-year degree and then we would have every Fortune 500 company falling over themselves trying to throw money and corner offices at us just for having that degree. Get your degree and you won’t have to do all that back-breaking manual labor. Meanwhile, that degree saddles almost all of it’s recipients with crippling debt. If you are reading this and think that debt is the fault of the student, then you are out of touch and you should email me at TheGrayMan314@protonmail.com so I can correct you. College should not be free, but it also should not cost what it does. Not in money, and not in what they make you give away of yourself.

Suddenly now the older generations do nothing but make fun of our degrees and chastise us for avoiding the manual labor and skilled trade jobs that we were told to avoid, while ignoring the fact that most manual labor and skilled trade jobs are now filled by millennials anyway.

Politically, millennials are labeled as “liberal”, but this is not the case either. Generation Z is on track to become the most “conservative generation” since WWII, but millennials are the generation that is turning conservative at the fastest rate since that time. And where did American neo-liberalism come from? You guessed it; the boomer generation. They’re the ones teaching it in the American university system where we were told by boomers we needed to go to avoid the skilled trade jobs that are now sorely needed in America.

Millennials have been fighting in continuous wars since we turned 18. We now have more battle trained warriors than the Greatest Generation did. I see millennials in my town harvesting America’s cotton. Our millennials are working the hospitals taking care of people who are mostly boomers. We are working your skilled trades, despite what you think. We didn’t invent participation trophies, you did that, and we didn’t ask for them. We went and got the degrees you told us we needed, and then some. We didn’t import millions of brown-skinned savages from all over the world, you did. We didn’t ask you to erase our borders, you did that on your own. We didn’t set the country on this path. Hell, I’m only old enough to have voted in five general elections, and the last one (at least) was totally rigged against my side.

Look, if you have a negative view of the millennial generation, then you have one or more of these problems:

1. You raised terrible millennials. If so, that’s on you.

2. You are spending too much time around terrible millennials. Do you live in Southern Kalifornia, or something?

3. You believe the media stereotype of what a millennial is, and mistakenly believe that a generational cohort is defined by it’s behavior. I already went over that. It’s not. Stop watching TV.

If you suffer from one or more of those problems, fix yourself.

Boomers and Gen Xers, ignore this if you will. The boomers probably will, and their response to it will be nothing new. Boomers as a group haven’t had anything new to say since the Reagan Administration anyway. That’s fine. Just keep something in mind, though, if you can remember it…

A generation that is unloved by it’s nation may need to burn it down so they can finally feel it’s warmth.

59 thoughts on “A word of caution to the boomers.

  1. Hedge

    Today is my Bday. 52. Born in 69. Gen Xer. You’re good to go young man. No hard feelz from this Gen X dude. I could write all day on this topic. I’l leave it at this….

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Gray Man Post author

      You are correct, but hear this: What you’re asking for is unity. Just like elements of the left are asking for unity with a right wing that they’ve been attacking continuously for as long as most of us can remember. Other generations suddenly asking millennials for unity after millennials have lived their entire lives being told how much we suck is simply difficult for us to swallow.

      Yes, we, the dissident right, need to unify across generations to defeat the enemy we all face. Just understand that there are going to be a whole lot of millennials (that would be of great use to your cause) that are not going to be interested in accepting your olive branch after years and years of feeling the sting of your thistles.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Steady Steve

        As an aging boomer (born ’59), I welcome the millennials burning down the oligarchy and “setting up new safeguards for their liberty”. Hell, I will be glad to help and pass along anything of value from my experience.


      2. Charlemagne

        G. Man,
        I have three fantastic millennial’s. I greatly admire them.
        I don’t buy into collective guilt, but have found myself apologizing for my boomer peers fuggups, often…


  2. Bill Quick

    As a leading edge Boomer (born 1946), I mostly concur. You are in the process of assuming great power and responsibility. This country going forward will be of your making, not ours, for we are passing away. Literally, in many cases.


    Liked by 2 people

    1. The Gray Man Post author

      This country is not a country in any sense of the word. It’s dead. The best we can try to do as a generation is hope to produce some of the hard men who create good times.


    2. The Gray Man Post author

      Thanks for understanding that this post is not meant to say “I hate boomers”. What I want is for boomers to understand why millennials show no connection to other generations at all.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. ApoloDoc

        Yet you struggle to accept responsibility for such things as educational debt? Who made the decision, who signed on the dotted line? If it was too costly, whose fault is it? I stopped eating lunch “out” when it began to cost “double digits.” I still do rarely buy lunch, but it is my own choice!

        Participation trophies … multiple causality. Whiny kids + overly indulgent parents. There is NO QUESTION that the Leftist March corrupted many Boomers, look at the first “Boomer President.”

        I am just stunned by the success of the “divide & conquer” that continues to serve the left. Divide by race, divide by geography, divide by economics, divide by generation. Divide genders (sorry, it IS binary!) into however many you like.

        I seek to stay rather disconnected from our pathological culture, getting rid of TV years ago helps. So I don’t even know when the whole “ok boomer” meme started. OTOH my collection of movies (media I own, not streaming that is controllable just like social media) provides entertainment and perspective. As I watched Midway the other night, I saw how far we are away from that era, from the character of Americans.

        May God help us!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. The Gray Man Post author

        I personally have no educational debt. I worked 2 (and at one point 3) jobs to pay for school myself. But I’ve seen people ruined by it. You must understand that the generation in general was told they absolutely had to get a degree in order to avoid those icky trades. And, surprise! Suddenly the cost of school went so high, most people needed loans from the government (see how that works?) to get through. It was fine though, because our parents promised us that every big company in America would be throwing wads of cash at us!

        Didn’t happen. Now you have millennials (and a bunch of Gen Xers and Boomers too!) sinking in student loan debt. The game was rigged. That’s not the worst part though. The worst part is that we were told as children that we REALLY needed to play that rigged game so we didn’t have to work those horrible trades.

        If you want to pretend that it’s all the fault of millennials, go right ahead. You are the target audience of my post, and especially the target audience of the last parts of it. Trust us, we know you’ve always hated us. You’ve been telling us since we were young.


      3. Grandpa

        I don’t participate in all this ageism shit or whatever it all is, I was born in 56 and my children are all upright, productive, honorable, moral… I could go on, believe me. Any way, all millennials,, and I couldn’t be prouder. My sons are the hardest working fuckers I’ve even known.


  3. Greer

    You are spot on.

    Millennials were born for a cause. They were deceived on what that cause is. They are awakening, not wokening, to what it is.

    The generation coming up “Z” are more conservative on Life, are learning about Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. We have a trans-generational restoration already in progress. We are just to face in the clouds to see it.

    Take a step back, look in your own household, your own town, your own county. Start there.

    Now, the PoP Culture quote, “I’m Starting With The Man In
    The Mirror,” The world stole it, we own it. Get to it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. John

      See you are just like them! Your generation is a generation of cowards and you Love your sin more than Truth . Your are no use to anyone because of your contempt You are deaf dumb and Blind despite your education. You fool!!!!


  4. Badger52

    It is disappointing to periodically see the same horsehockey (using a different generation) on blog after blog, although this one is pretty articulate. I have (as true boomer) privately said to people when they complain about millenials “who do you think’s been fighting our wars for the last couple of decades?” And I’ve got grand-kids that have grown into fine human beings, and know some others that are total flakes.

    But the fact remains that this generational venting is not productive unless it’s finished up with “there, I feel better, now let’s all unite and kill tyrants.”

    Damn people. Stop. Just stop it.


  5. John

    I am going to say what I think is wrong. Our society is a society of Reprobates there is no mention of God in your Opinion. We have gone through the last 50 years of Hegelian Dialectic Operations being run on the American People to divide them .
    Where do the Millennial Media play a role in our thinking? Do they have any responsibility for the damage they have done using techniques to divide us?
    You say that you are the most educated generation in history, I say you lack wisdom. You are a Generation who have abandoned traditional thinking for Reprobate Thinking. You tell us that the Bible is a fairy tale ,Yet it is the most accurate historical text ever written. So in all your wisdom all you can come up with is Boomers and our thinking is the problem.
    You and us unfortunately are at a point in the life of the Republic where we are likely to go to war against each other here in America. It is all a fabrication of the Bolshevik media.
    Marxism is a tool of WAR not a universal panacea for poverty and oppression. It is designed to destroy Governments, Cultures, The family and a peoples faith in GOD.
    I say If you really want to help America and give us a future Go to a church near you read the Bible looking to learn something rather than trying to disprove something you know nothing about. Find out what life is all about and then spread the word.



      You know, John I wish I could agree with you. The problem facing us now is most, not all churches are run by Romans 13 robots catering to the happy-clappy, dance-round, “It’s-all-love”, shallow “Christians”. I have seen it for many years, not just recently.
      I am 73 and was at Ground Zero for Vatican II while in a Catholic high school. I watched and listened as the Kennedy-worshipping Marxist Oblates trashed conservatives both in the Church and in politics, warping many young minds. Then, the Jesus Movement with the frauds of Calvary Chapel, Rick Warren, Joel Osteen, and many others kept feeding the feel-good/prosperity gospel to generations of idiots; totally dumbed down by the: “Public School system”.
      My wife and I currently home church and bible study. As the forces of darkness come to power in the following days, you can bet your bottom dollar there will be plenty of FEDGOV snitches sitting in the pews, monitoring the sermons and listening to comments from the parishioners. Vote with your mind and your wallet. Keep your own counsel. Plan accordingly. Bleib ubrig.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. agentbuzz

        You should try a good Orthodox Church. Serbian Orthodox or one in the “Synod in Resistance” to the official Greek Orthodox Church. Stand for the whole Divine Liturgy (nearly 2 hours). Vespers, Matins, and “All-Night Vigil” on Saturday night, 4 Lenten fasts a year (instead of one), and Great Lent is 40 days. I have seen an 80-year-old Russian lady in high heels lead the choir in chant for 2 hours, standing just like everybody else. Morning and evening prayers for every layman, and boy are they long! And all the Orthodox people I know HATE Communism with a purple passion! I guess they should. Many of them came from Romania, Russia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Serbia, and other Communist countries.

        There is none of this walking around with a shit-eating grin on your face and indulging your load of whale blubber. Just the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, praying, chanting, and fasting. Mortifying the flesh, renouncing the world (not God’s green Earth but the wicked world system that lies in the power of the Satan), and fleeing the devil, like Saint Paul and Saint James commanded. Pascha lasts literally all night. Of course, you get to eat a pig whole in the morning when the fast is broken. The kids love to gross out on the head. But that’s the best part!


  6. Matt Bracken

    The entire generational cohort meme is absurd. I was born in 1957. I did not choose the year of my birth, nor did anyone born in any other decade. Dividing us up by generation is just one more way to have us fight among ourselves, instead of fighting together against the common enemies of freedom, no matter their birth year.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. The Gray Man Post author

      You’re right, Matt. But since I was born, my generation’s labels have been laid on us and used to define us. It’s absurd, but it can’t be changed suddenly after nearly four decades of living under it.


      1. SemperFi, 0321

        You’re just playing along with Bolshevik PC culture. It’s about divide and conquer, and you fell for it.
        And I think you’re still jealous we had all the cool music and cars which you guys tried to copycat, and failed. Living in a ghetto culture is not success.

        An original “boomer” 1954, son of a WW2 combat vet.


      2. Badger52

        You alone are responsible for what you feel or do. Your actions matter, or you can render yourself inconsequential to the fight that’s coming. Your choice. Will comrades want to be around you, or quietly step away to get out of the blast radius of your victimhood?


    2. agentbuzz

      I was born in late 1956, but never had it out for the “millennials” when I got old. Will say that I did my share of the cooking and cleaning, mowed the lawn, walked to school, hunted small game like rabbits and made stew from it, starting at age 6. Got finned by a few catfish, too. There was no “woman’s work” and “men’s work”. Built scooters and tree-houses of wood. Made “carbide cannons” with Steen’s syrup cans. Damned sure ate everything I was given. None of this pickiness over food I observe in some kids now. Been working since I was 20, including 19 years on the Houston waterfront. Still working. None of the above is anything much to be proud of. It’s just how life is.

      I know Millennials get shit on in blogs and such. I have trained with some Millennials that are really tough, they know how to use hand tools, and they love freedom just as much as anybody. You are quite right to say that we all need to fight together.


      1. The Gray Man Post author

        If more millennials heard from you instead of the boomers who absorbed what the media tells them about us, there wouldn’t be a conflict.


    3. Bob Competti, Candy Bar Sale Assembly Speaker


      You are an honorary Gen Xer, even though you dress like a Boomer. I can see you letting yourself into your house after school as a latchkey kid and studying Russian literature in an actual library. Anyone who has read Dostoevsky and taken it to heart can qualify as an Xer as far as I am concerned. I feel like you skipped the Jesus freak movement, so you’re cool.

      OP, the jury is out on you. We’re going to need you to make good on your threat to burn down the village first, please. That’d be great. (Office Space.)

      GenXers are so disgusted with everyone that we just never really participated. We will gladly supply you with the kerosene and matches, wearing Spuds MacKenzie t-shirts and cargo shorts.

      Also, the “labeling” of Millenials isn’t completely absurd. Have you ever been inside an office before?

      So, please—burn down the village.


      1. The Gray Man Post author

        Yes, he is right. It is a load of bullshit. My generation has been fed that bullshit since birth.

        I sure hope all you fine folks will stick around to browse the rest of my content and go spend some time over at Brushbeater, WRSA and American Partisan.


      2. Grey Ghost

        @The Gray Man
        Blaming ALL boomers for real or perceived issues with your life/generational “problems” is misguided… sorry but there is such a thing as free will. If you want to keep on doing it go ahead knock yourself out, I understand it completely. I don’t agree with your assessment of ALL boomers but I understand it. I’m happy to fight side by side with you.

        Let me explain, I worked for everything I have including college just like you. In fact, I didn’t go to college right away and it was a BIG fight with my parents (greatest generation if you believe in that BS). And in the economy of the time when I went to College it was expensive as I had to have a job and a loan to make that nut. Took me 10 years to pay off that God damn loan. I made myself a debt slave. There is always a segment of the “older” generations that think the younger generations are weaker than them. It is in err but I think it is a natural thing generation to generation. There is also a segment of the older generation (boomers) who try to pass along what they have learned to those of the younger generations who are willing learn. I taught my know-it-all millenial niece to shoot an AR (against her mom’s wishes) and my niece is a big lefty (I keep sending her books hoping she will eventually see the light of real liberty). May God help me if I ever find her on the opposite side of a skirmish, as I do love her. If you want to blame your parents (boomers), the educational system or the continuous societal Marxist drift to the left by the left, then I’m with you. But as Matt says generation division is just plain bullshit and as Semper Fi said it’s what they use to keep us divided. Seems like it’s working to an extent.

        Every generation has their cross to bear. In my case, as a boomer born and raised in the deep south I was FORCED to memorize the fucking Gettysburg Address. Yep in 5th grade (gotta brainwash them southern rebels young). It wasn’t until several DECADES later that I learned that General U.S. Grant’s Army killed my great great grandfather. Starved him to death in Mississippi in the war for Southern Independence. My forebears had their land and property stolen, burned and salted by the fucking UNION Army. I hate Lincoln and EVERYTHING he did to my forebears. It wasn’t until I went to original southern CW documents that I found out what really happened. Remember the winners ALWAYS get to write the history and the losers are relegated to the dustbin of history. Can I get over the fact the SOUTHERN educational system mind fucked me for decades. Nope. I get it, you may never get over it. Will I fight side by side with someone who is a Lincoln bootlicker but also pro liberty and freedom. Sure, no problem because we don’t have to agree on what happened in the past. The past is the past. However, we are either in this to stop the tyrants NOW by any means necessary or it will be your childrens children children children who may finally see a glimmer of real liberty rise up.

        Personally I am always happy when I run into millenials, Gen X, or GenZ who see the world for what it really is. I ran into one today, a cashier at a local grocery store. She got it based on one very short sentence I said to her when I paid my bill. This is by no means a singular event as I had a similar event at the tobacco shop yesterday. Yeah I know stop smoking… spits on the ground.

        As for me I started years ago at Mike V’s place SSI. Once that shutdown I went to WRSA. Been there ever since. I dislike Republicans and Democrats equally. I consider Bill B @ZeroGov one of many brothers in arms. For the record he and I agree very little on anything re the War for Southern Independence and I would give my life so that he could spend the rest of his life with his wife. I don’t even know what generation he is and I don’t care.

        Sic Semper Tyrannis

        Grey Ghost


  7. Charles Burgess

    My three kids are millennials and they are some of the finest people I know (with justified parental pride). I am a so-called Boomer and my beef is with the idiots who make up such a large part of my generation. The kids are alright. Their parents and grandparents all to often are not.

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  8. George 1

    I am a mid boomer. The younger generations have been screwed royally. While many of us were warning about the so-called “free Trade” deals bringing massive destruction to the U.S. Boomers like Rush Limbaugh were cheering it on.

    The destruction of the country was done by the Clinton’s and the Bushes fooling everyone into thinking that offshoring nearly all manufacturing was a good thing. The only politician who has tried to stop the bleeding is Trump. We see how that turned out.

    The younger generations have never had a true Capitolist economy. Only crony capitolism that left most of them high and dry. No wonder many of them favor trying socialism. Think about it.


  9. insty

    Yes, those who incur a debt are responsible for satisfying same. Including edumacation. Full stop.

    Stop the nonsensical identity politics, that of identifying as a badge carrying millennial. You are actively proving that which you vehemently deny, while proving that your “most educated” self hath not wisdom nor discernment.


    1. The Gray Man Post author

      Nonsensical identity politics has been laid on us since the day we were born. You can not place that on young children, press it into them for four decades and then ask them to shed it when it’s turned back to you.


      1. Grateful Old Tree Guy

        Hello Gray Man, just discovered your site with this posting. Born in ’51, so boomer a f. I read comments below here, came back to post under your 10;05 comment. I’m not sure whats wrong with some of these folks giving you grief about your attitude. You seem to be intelligent, experienced (wise) and well adjusted (for the amount of conditioning, brain washing, manipulation your gen has gone through). You also seem to be seeing the terrain quite well. I don’t run into the idiot gen xers much, I guess they’re at a coffee shop in town, and busy turning the US into a shit hole, with the help of their multi generational commie allies.
        I’m encouraged you and those like you are doing the necessary work. Don’t let the non-empathetic, clueless, individuals get you down (HAR, HAR, HAR, easy for ME to say). Everybody is laboring under tremendous guilt and baggage, that’s the way the evil phuquer’s set up the game, to keep us from finding our true mission in life. The whole college, good job thing is part of their agenda to load you with soul crushing debt and guilt. If one quarter of the population had their shit together half as good as you, we would be set. Regrettably they’re nowhere near you. You are NOT average. Thank you for surviving the endless, for profit, wars. Keep yer head on a swivel. Keep up the good work, and good fortune to you (I don’t believe in luck).


    2. Lineman

      Yea like an 18 year old is good with life changing decisions when the only life they had is one under their parents rule… Parents were the cause of their kids taking on debt because they cosigned on it…If it was the actual kids making the decision they would of never got the loan in the first place…All my kids aren’t going to college because it has become a scam to saddle parents and kids with a debt they don’t need…


  10. Spingehra

    Any boomer reading this likely already is a dissident
    I am a tail end charlie boomer, 61, I despise the boomer stereotype. I do know a few of them,, all are smugly retired leftists behind gated walls or living in whitopias somewhere.. NAXALT the melinial stereotype does exist at least in popular c ultra. I don’t know any as my children. All successful and raising families of their own are to say the least lean to the right.


  11. RMTN

    I remember being your age. Your outlook will change as you get older. Actually, my father did work to put men on the moon btw, and I followed that career path on the shuttle and other programs. No two people are alike and you shouldn’t judge solely by one’s age. There are many things to learn from some oldtimers. We did our best to raise out kids to be independent thinkers.


  12. Dr. Lon Schultz

    I am a boomer, our generation by in large has brought us to the brink of disaster, supporting all kinds of screwy ideas! We were pampered and screwed up our kids as well, the blame for most of this mess rests on our shoulders! Those of us who can and have the wisdom, need to clean up this mess, If we care at all about our grand children and this country!


  13. SRG. 1971

    I guess I am a Gen X person. Never really cared. All I know is that I regularly apologize to my kids for my generation. We became self absorbed and failed to get involved in the things that matter. Local politics is one of those things. We did not pay attention to what the school boards or the city council were doing and now we are paying for it. A generation taught that socialism is good and capitalism is bad. We allowed our Federal Government to lie to us and send the generation after us to non stop wars. We funded never ending wars with no path to victory all because we were so focused on the next big house and three car garage, and don’t forget the new cars and all the toys we had to have that we just turned our head or casually sighed when we saw the pictures on the idiot box at night while we ate our favorite take out on the couch.

    I am on the border of 50 and looking back, all I see are mistakes I made and an endless line of easy routes or attempted shortcuts. It is my generation that is to blame for much of this. We could have stepped up and stopped the B.S. from getting in our schools. We could have said no to the continued onslaught of illegal immigration. We could have said no to the revived American dream and kept the mother at home and actually been involved in our kids lives. But we didn’t and now we find ourselves at the near point of being more of a hinderance than helpful on the eve of what is going to be the next major turning point in our country.

    I am sorry for not doing what should have been done for the last 30 years. Forgive my generation if you can.


  14. Anomic Ranger

    I think that the generational meme only goes so far. I also don’t believe that it’s total nonsense, we are shaped by the era we have grown up in. I do not judge the millennial generation at all, I raised two of them, and instilled a sense of personal responsibility in both. The concept of generational shaping is good for broad stroke analysis of societal direction only. I myself am not a “typical” older genX. I did some podcasts about generational thinking on my site anomicranger.com, the podcast is called anomie patrol. I started thinking about the direction of our culture many years ago, and finally decided to share my musings about a year ago. Don’t let anybody define you as a person and each generation has to own up to its own mistakes.


    1. The Gray Man Post author

      That generational meme goes plenty far. I’ve been hearing it since I was a kid. Just like you all are saying that you’re not like the other members of your generation, your generations will fail to realize that not all millennials are alike either. That’s the entire point of the post. The point is that my generation has to own up to our mistakes, to your mistakes, and to mistakes that haven’t even been made. Case in point, we get blamed for participation trophies and common core, which we had nothing to do with. Get the idea?


      1. papersunderarock

        Hmmm, maybe I didn’t explain my point very good. I think we’re saying the same thing. I meant that generational memes are a poor way to judge an individual, and at best should only be used in tracking a general direction that society is going. I completely agreed with your post, but maybe didn’t explain myself very well. Most of the crap put on millennials is garbage, and you’re right, it’s the previous generation that needs to be judged for any weaknesses passed on. About the only generation that I don’t have much patience with are the boomers, they were the generation that made a 180 degree turn from their parents teachings and beliefs. I have bookmarked your blog, and look forward to reading more from you.

        Liked by 1 person

  15. Him

    The boomers didn’t import the brown savages, as you claim. They were pushed on us by the US Chamber of Commerce and big companies. We had as much to say about who ruled us as you do. Everybody still thinks they have a say in what the government does. Isn’t it clear, by now, what has to be done?


  16. sundy58

    I will be 63 in two days. We have let our decedents down in a horrible way. Saddled with a national debt that is unknowable. We let the education system become a communist indoctrination system. The “greatest generation” that proceeded us are and were far worse than the boomers. Look at Pelosi and Biden. I apologize for being self-centered and not being involved enough to at least try to prevent some of what has come to pass. I agree with Matt Bracken. It’s time to set all blame aside and for good men to stand up to the evil that has captured our nation.


  17. Jeff

    It doesn’t matter what Gen-X thinks, wants or does. But rest assured, the Gen-X I know none of them think Gen-Y or Z are slackers. We know the score

    Day of the Pillow. When?


  18. LKS

    I’ve observed that the tail-end of each “generation” has more in common with the following one than with their “own”. I was born at the end of the Boomer gen. I have little in common with those born 15-20 years before me. That’s a long way of saying it’s all bullshit. Yet, here we are.

    FWIW, we were fed the same garbage about education and the trades. The first student loan crisis, and the reason those loans are now government run, was because our generation got reamed first.

    FYI – my contribution to the space program was watching the launches in grade school.


    1. The Gray Man Post author

      It is garbage. The problem is that we weren’t told the generational thing was garbage until we started resenting being told how much we suck. We start saying that the other generations suck too, and provide some solid evidence, and suddenly people don’t want to play the generational game anymore.


  19. Theodore

    I was going to say what Bracken said. Who goes around thinking in terms of generational cohorts? I’m a blah blah, but the person in front of me in line is a blah blah blah? Who knows when a generation starts, or the names for the different ones? Sociology students? I sure as hell don’t know, or care. It’s some liberal arts BS, and leftist identity politics if you actually take it seriously. We’ve been in a steady decline since Reconstruction though, where each generation is worse than the last, and each generation is less conservative, less rural, and less white.


  20. Jes

    I had a long comment to drop in here until I realized that the last sentence cut right to the core:

    It is just as stupid to say that a ‘generation’ is [blank] as it is to say that a race is [blank].

    It is collectivist bs.
    I would add that as a boomer I would much rather have a Gen whatever who shares my values covering my back than the whiney leftist boomer I have had across the street for 30+ years.


  21. Bill

    Whether you believe or not……Satan is a crafty foe. Apathy, division, blame, pride, unforgiveness, and the like are his greatest weapons. He will do his best to entice you to stray from the course if you don’t STAND! You cannot face this foe by yourself. You and you alone, are responsible for what you do in life and God will judge the quick & the dead. I don’t care about the labels, e.g. Boomers, Gen X, Mel’s, etc. Focus on the straight and narrow and do not deviate. Resist the devil and he WILL flee. Stand and pray for your own soul and the souls of others especially. Pray for our country that is being torn apart because we dared to be for God and defied the devil. Did you ever wonder why Israel is still around when it’s being beset on all sides? There is ONE reason and HE does not change.


  22. Tac Observer

    I have known many boomers, many gen x, many millennials. There is good and bad in both.

    People are free to be observant and make appropriate or inappropriate course corrections. Each has a personal life they lead. The door is actually narrow, the path difficult.

    Defy ordinary. Stop comparing yourself to others, never pat yourself on the back.

    The answer for each person is to be vigilant, do the best and what’s in front of you so as to avoid your particular generation’s label. Those labels are no different than tattoos. The Generation has already been indelibly labeled. If you don’t like this, then use those labels to serve as the bad example to be avoided. Don’t make so much of your age, make sure your experience has integrity.

    Take personal responsibility. Extreme ownership.

    What you have the actual power to change- is you.


    1. The Gray Man Post author

      Yes, there is good and bad, and everything you say is correct, but not a soul has a decent thing to say about my generation. We’ve grown up hearing nothing but negatives said about our generation since birth. We were blamed for ruining America before we could even vote. So yeah, time to give it back.



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